Welcome to the first episode of my women’s reproductive health series! I’m thrilled to be kicking it off and sharing this resource with all of you. As women, it is so important we understand what is happening in our bodies and there simply are not enough people talking about this. The resources are there, it’s just about accessing them and understanding what it all means for us.

For the first episode, I invited Kim Vopni, a pelvic floor and women’s empowerment coach onto the show to discuss the importance of the pelvic floor and how to take better care of it. Most women are not educated about the pelvic floor and don’t worry about theirs until a problem arises, however there is so much you can do for your pelvic floor preventatively.

On episode #102 of the That's So Maven podcast Davida is chatting with Kim Vopni from Pelvienne Wellness all about the pelvic floor and how to take better care of it.

Today on the show we’re discussing:

  • Kim’s story and how she become a pelvic floor coach
  • What the heck is the pelvic floor and where is it?
  • Issues that can arise with your pelvic floor
  • Exercises for taking care of your pelvic floor
  • The pelvic floor and pregnancy- what to do pre and post?
  • Do men have pelvic floors?
  • …and so much more!

Follow Kim Vopni on Instagram | Learn more about Kim Vopni Here

LISTEN HERE:  iTunes | Stitcher | Google Play | Player.FM | Podbean | Spotify

This episode is brought to you by Ann Marie Gianni Skincare. Ann Marie Skincare is a natural and holistic skincare brand made with organic or wildcrafted herbs that help nourish and care for your skin. Some of my favorites include: Aloe Herb Cleanser, Herbal Facial Oil, Kaolin Exfoliant. Use code MAVEN15 to save 15% off your first order.


The post Episode #102: Kim Vopni + Pelvic Floor Health appeared first on The Healthy Maven.

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